George, it's difficult to put into words exactly how much you've meant to people you've never even met face to face, like myself.

It was years ago now, but I was curious about a topic involving directional drilling, and knew you had extensive knowledge on the subject. I reached out to you and you said you'd send me an email. Boy, did I get a history lesson! The on-site, been there, done that, seen it, started it, finished it, designed it, built it, etc., etc., etc. That's what we get from you, George, on such an enormous range of topics. That's the most valuable kind of information and one you have given freely your entire life. For that, I can't thank you enough.

Oh, I recently obtained a hand-me-down fly rod. Wasted no time and tried it out on MY pond. It was ugly I'm sure, but I caught one. The first of many you can be sure.