Originally Posted By: lassig
I haven't done anything yet with applying the non slip tape to the ramp. The company that I plan on buing it from said to let the pressure treated wood season a year before applying it. I do plan on using the Wooster product.

I use a mineral-surface non-slip tape for heavy-duty applications like the step to my backhoe cab or for stair treads. However, for a tub or pool area, or on a boat deck, I prefer a non-mineral anti-skid surface that is easier on bare feet. I'm not familiar with the Wooster products. They might be just fine.

One suggestion: Call the tape manufacturer and find out how stretchable the tape is...not just its flexibility. Pressure-treated wood will expand and contract considerably over its lifetime with changes in moisture content, and if the tape will not expand and contract easily along with the wood, then it may be advisable to use narrower strips of tape rather than wider strips in order to avoid wrinkling or detached adhesive. You could just use twice as many strips that are half as wide.

Some non-skid tapes are considered 'conformable' to uneven surfaces. I think that these would be better able to move with the wood as it expands and contracts. That said, I've used two-inch-wide strips of standard non-skid tape on PT wood with no problem.

Keep up the good work.

Al (aka Ancient One, Alan, Indy, Doc, or 'Hey you!')
Archaeologists learn by trowel and error.