I put in an email with my senators, Sessions and Shelby. They are good strong principled men, but may be in the minority. The EPA appears to have backed away from this power grab. Yet likely the agency will learn from this foray, wait for the controversy to go away, then attempt some expedient no ethics power grab again. It's a good time to prepare ourselves by understanding just how the agency could affect our pond management. Glad the neighborly chicken problem was resolved without resorting to fried rooster recipes. They're good for bug management.

I want to learn more on this issue, this is as a good of a forum for the discussion as it gets. Every so often, someone will deliver a real nugget of information or delivers a point of view about the EPA that's astounding.

Both the Cayuga River up north and the Houston shipping canal used to catch fire years ago. Did a Fed agency bring about their cleanup or did the states, can't say TX is known to be environmentally progressive, do it on their own? Lots to learn.

Self-educated rednecks, the real intelligentsia.