Originally Posted By: gully washer
The EPA plays a vital role. If individual states were allowed to set their own environmental standards, it would be a race to the bottom. Job poaching governors and state legislators would ease environmental regulations (such as they currently offer tax credits and deferments) in effort to allure industries to their respective states. The Great Lakes and the entire Gulf Coast would be a cesspool, and states like Colorado would have EVEN MORE toxic waste pits left behind for the taxpayers to clean up, after the mining companies have extracted the profits.

Creating the EPA is undoubtedly Richard Nixon's greatest achievement. Is the EPA perfect? Certainly not, but that doesn't mean that the baby should be thrown out with the toxic bathwater.

I'll beat the drum louder, there are NO enumerated powers in Article 1 Section 8 for an epa, a department of education, fda, batfe, or most any of the other alphabet soup agencies. Now, some of these things sound like really neat ideas BUT, if they're so darn nice, how come the tyrants that wanted them couldn't amend the Constitution to get them? The law was broken to make laws. If you do this, the law means nothing.

There's a reason Japanese American's were put in concentration camps during WWII, it's because when things are convenient, our federal government breaks the law. Those who want things done quickly turn a blind eye and crap on their neighbor when the government does it. Just remember, when the feds come for you, some of us might just cheer them.

Any coward can cry out when their ox is being gored. It takes a man of courage to fight for their neighbors ox.

Seriously, nixen? You talk up a crook, a circumventor of the Constitution, a thing that had to resign or be impeached, I won't even get into its trespass on those who did drugs or its dabbling in the gold standard and bastardization of the Republican Party.

Who says the great lakes would be a cess pool? I never got the memo. Lake Michigan looked great in 1970 and it looks almost as good today. Lake Erie has probably benefited from the epa but had more help from the zebra mussel.

Bottom line, I really don't care if these progressive government units made everyone rich by implementing them. If the Constitution is broken to do it, it is simply against the law. Many of us are tired of having our freedoms taken away so that others can have perceived security.

Last edited by timshufflin; 08/22/15 09:11 PM.

I just got a new pond, I made it twice because I aint so bright.