sprkplug, what you don't get and you never will is that the damn indians are the customer. The indians, in this case, are the plaintiffs and the customer. You know how our noble government employees like to shroud themselves with the word "servant" to make themselves so noble, don't you? Well the epa was supposed to be "serving" the indians. This makes the Indians the customer AND because the Indians were also damaged (twice) they will most probably me plaintiffs. The epa is the customer of the trucking company, so what? The epa is accountable to make sure that they use quality subs to get the job done. The problem is that there is most probably not a quality human being in the entire epa to make this call.

The epa doesn't have to pick up the tools of the trucking company to make sure that job is done right. What most of us responsible people do is CHECK stuff! Before I ship a rifle I test fire it. Before I accept sub'd parts I check them. Before a building contractor has a sub do a job he checks references and then still checks the work. These are things that people with profit motives do in the real world. Of course you would most probably be one of the brighter people in the world if you responded to profit. If you're stupid, you just go get employed by the feds.

I just got a new pond, I made it twice because I aint so bright.