Originally Posted By: Rainman

Cecil, Hydrated Lime (Calcium Hydroxide) should be used with Alum to offset/balance the Alum's acidity, immediately. Ag Lime Calcium/Magnesium Carbonate/ is slow acting and for long term pH buffering/raising. Ag Lime will not react nearly fast enough with the Alum to prevent a pH drop/fish kill.

Makes sense Rex.

In my area our Ph is so high (8.4 to 8.5) and alkalinity so high (about 350 mg/l in my ponds) it isn't even necessary to add anything to counteract a PH drop after adding alum as it doesn't happen. When I did aquaponics I had a hell of a time dropping the ph and many times it would bounce back up.

I only use hydrated lime to kill off remaining fish in standing water in a drained pond. It literally burns up any frogs, tadpoles, or fish that get in the way. Pretty mean stuff!

Last edited by Cecil Baird1; 07/30/15 11:13 AM.

If pigs could fly bacon would be harder to come by and there would be a lot of damaged trees.