Yes other than a drowned cell phone, a soar side, and a banged up knee I am unscathed physically. Mentally still a little rattled to be honest. I am fortunate that I grew up around water my entire life and took swimming lessons from a toddler until I would have been able to be a lifeguard as an early teen. I do remember consciously thinking to not take a breath of water that my body was screaming for while I was trying to get unpinned. As lungs full of water would have been the end.

Remarkably the old mans mower was unscathed pretty much to. As the ROPS kept the motor out of the water except for the top of the air cleaner. The only damage done to it was bent up arm rests on the seat, I believe this may have been what I was hung on and bent them to get free, and a little bit of water in the hyd. system.

My pond renovation thread here