Originally Posted By: snrub
Been on a month long motorcycle trip to the east coast, up through Canada over the top of Lake Superior to Winnipeg, and now in Iowa on the home path. Looking forward to seeing my fish again. Grandson and daughter have been feeding them while gone.

I took a similar trip a few years ago on my bike. Great riding up in Maine, across NH, and VT, then up into Canada and around Superior. May do that again one of these days when I can take more time. (Sorry for the thread hijack.)

9 yr old pond, 1 ac, 15' deep.
RES, YP, GS, FHM (no longer), HBG (going away), SMB, and HSB (only one seen in 5 yrs) Restocked HSB (2020) Have seen one of these.
I think that's about all I should put in my little pond.
Otter attack in 2023