I also was able to reduce fish populations significantly by trapping. In my case bullheads with both minnow traps and a regular fish trap, and GSF with minnow traps. Also angling with a very small jig along the shore line. This was in my old refurbished 1 acre pond where I left a small puddle of original water when I cleaned it out. Thus the source of the trash fish.

Once I got the numbers down to where I thought they would be manageable with predators I basically quit worrying about them. Still remains to be seen how that turns out.

If you get the BH #'s down to reasonable level and the predators control the recruitment, the remaining BH will get decent enough size to become fun to catch and they are not bad eating at all. Especially if you are giving them some supplemental feed so they grow well.

I also was able to net quit a lot of small BH from the shore line while they were still in protective schooling balls. Hopefully the LMB will take care of future babies.

Last edited by snrub; 07/12/15 09:41 PM.


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