Tracy, the spinner plate height is the often overlooked variable in TX Hunter feeders. When I had a feeder in the brood pond, 1/8" Cargill liked a high setting (closer to the bin funnel), and if I didn't do that, there was a certain amount of food that just kept dropping over the spinner, and then to the blower. I like to set both feeders to the same plate height setting, and then they'll consistently throw the same volume of food per throw. In other words, 5 seconds of 1/8" fish food should throw consistently from feeder to feeder. IIRC, a ruler and an allen wrench is all it takes. If esshup sees this, he can explain it better than I can.

I'm not sure about the CBLMB, but both my LMB and CBNG have moved around 15-20' off the banks over the last few weeks. The rain stopped, the heat hit, and out they went. The lack of alpha predators probably helps with your fry roaming freely also.

Hope all this helps.

Last edited by FireIsHot; 07/07/15 07:39 AM.