TGW we are about 6 miles north of Longview, just north of Glenwood on Hwy 300. Pond is an old family farm pond, about 60 years old best any of the neighbors can recall.

Zep and Rainman I think all of the fish we got were "standard" colored (some shade of grey all over). Smallest stocked were 6 inches or so, largest were over 12".

Snrub you are absolutely right! And polarized sunglasses definitely help. No scuba diving for me though - if I can't see it from above then it's gonna stay hidden!

I guess I have a case of over-expectation after seeing all of these miracle clean-up stories from around our area. I didn't think I would see as much algae growth as I am because I figured it would all be eaten!

The summer is still young, if we stay as clean as we are right now and still wind up with several for the dinner table later in the fall I can't really complain!