Back ta neighbors. A fellow bought 22 acres that completely surround me except for the road out front. The first summer he tore down a nice tree stand that I had on his property. We had discussed this stand and I told him I'd move it. I was close friends with the previous owner and had full run of the property as he didn't live here and I was sort of his custodian. I didn't say anything about the stand.
I used to park my truck on a hill to scout two crop fields that bottle necked into another neighbors woods that I had a stand in. In Sept he pulled up one evening and said "Look BOB, you're gonna ruin my hunting sitting up here so quit comin on my land". I said ok and did. He and six friends hunted that 22 acres and shot two does. The yr before I got a doe with my Muzz and a nice buck with my bow. These guys were great white city boys.
The next June he calls me up and says "HEY, I heard your dog killed a deer out of my woods". I informed him the dog killed a fawn on my property and ate the whole thing. He went ballistic on me and told me I "have to chain my dog up". I told him to f off cause my dog has always run free and is known to and is friends with all the neighbors and their kids and animals. Also all the neighbors liked my dog better than him since he tore down my stand. He informed me that technically it was illegal to let Doinko run free. I told him technically it was illegal ta piss in my back yard, are ya gonna hassle me about that too? He stuttered out that "ya ya you have to put up a fence then". I said sure, if you split the cost cause the fence is ta keep you and your friends off my land. He has since become a SWAT officer and often comes out (he bought the land but couldn't afford the cost to build out here) every now and then and explodes some bombs like the one Essuup referred to earlier. The second time he did I caught him on the way out and said I didn't mind his firecrackers but the other neighbors did and they thought the Homeland security folks might be interested. Now when we pass on the road he always smiles and waves. I do the same in return.
My point here is that are civil ways to deal with a ying yang.
I am a member of the NRA and voted for Obama. My son in law said Obama was gonna take our guns away. I asked him if he thought the national guard was gonna come marchin down the street and go house to house and take everyone's guns? He said well no and so I said then shut up until ya have something intelligent to say.
RAH is correct. We need ta lighten up!! I remember a legitimate ? about pen raised fish vs wild caught that got sooo far off track and political that it got deleted and the poster caught a real stern warnin ta never post such material again when he was just lookin for some verified info on the subject. Let's not get that far with this post. Sorry if I've made any sense here. Bob-O

Do nature a favor, spay/neuter your pets and any weird friends or relatives.