Well one must remember that just because your a member of the NRA doesn't mean you can't be a little off your rocker... There is always that handful that makes things bad for everyone else...... You know the old saying guns don't kill people do. You can lay a gun down on the table fully loaded with the safety off and yell at it all you want to kill something and I got money says it just won't do it. smile

And if we took all the guns away we would have one hell of a big mess.

What folks don't understand it the consequence's of what would happen if we did that and that includes being overran by animals as well.

Well the bad guys would still get the guns.
Or the bad guys will now use mini cross bows to do their killing.... So we would have to ban all bows....
Then they would use Bowie knifes and swords...
So we would have to ban them.. You see where this is going right....

What we need is stricter swifter laws in place for these yahoos who do dumb stuff. Specially ones who are caught right in the act!

But no we want to arrest them and put them in jail on my dollar and then have a year long court battle on our dollar and then maybe just maybe sentence him to the death penalty but let him stay on death row for 20 fricken years on our dollar also ..... dang sorry guys it just really upsets me how backwards we have become...


Sorry mods if this was to much no worries if you delete it....

The only difference between a rut and a Grave is the depth. So get up get out of that rut and get moving!! Time to work!!