Originally Posted By: SetterGuy
There was an article in our local paper about a pond not too far from me. I've seen the pond. It looks to be about an acre. They have four aerators running in it continuously. The neighbors are complaining about the noise. Then he had a power outage, and ended up with 5,600 pounds of dead fish. He got some buried, but not all. Between the noise of the aerators, and the stench if the dead fish, this guys has some very upset neighbors.
I guess there are tractor trailers in and out of there all the time. The article said the fish are grown for export to Canada. I've seen it from the road since they started digging the pond. I've not heard or smelled anything. Guess we are far enough away..


Guess I'll keep my little pond and it's fishery on a somewhat smaller scale.

Mike Lisk has called me on occasion to transport fish for him. Mainly, he has Hybrid Striped Bass, but has expanded into feed trained Largemouth for the Toronto area...the market is massive there. I'll have to go see Mike and at least try to help silence his Regenerative Blowers...The whine from them is as irritating as it gets!

As for the area he is in, Wildwood is loaded with lots of overpaid city people wanting a rural lifestyle.....the type that want to see deer meandering in their front yards, and then wanting the city to shoot the same deer when flowers are eaten....I have stocked one pond there, for a friend of Blaine's, and helped another be dredged. there are plenty of farmland smells to be "enjoyed", and rotting fish is only one of them.