I need more time to fully update our experience with Fireishot as we checked into our hotel last night in Springfield, MO after 11 pm after leaving his place around 11 am. We stopped at Lusk Lodge, met Debbie and Bob around 2:00, fished his Catfish pond, had a great visit with him in his beyond beautiful home and we both got the books "Raising Tropy Bass" and Perfect Pond... Want one?" Autographed by Mr. Lusk as well as the new issue of Pond Boss magazine, hot off the press signed as well. What a great experience!

With a 6 hour drive ahead to get to Springfield, MO, once it hit 10 pm the old driving eyes were getting tired so after making a few calls to try to get some adreneline going, seeing Bob-O's number in my phone was the perfect recipe!

Once I started talking about our adventure with Bob-O I think I could have driven another 500 miles!

So Bob-O, thanks for the chat and helping with getting us to Springfield safely!

We got to Bass Pro @ 7am, I turned Fatih loose with his video equipment and after leaving here we'll make our way to Windsor, MO to see CMM.

And Scott, after now logging over 4,800 miles, and a "few" more to get to your place, I foresee at least one day of this old, tired dog finding a relaxing lawn chair on the end of the pier just soaking it all in.

But as I've said that before and it hasn't happened yet,,,,, we'll see!

Fatih get's plenty of rest as I think the turn of the car key is like a sleeping pill for him grin

More later,

Lovin Livin

Keith - Still Lovin Livin

(a short video tribute to the PB members we met on our 5 week fishing adventure)

Formerly: 2ac LMB,HSB,BG,HBG,RES