Originally Posted By: RAH
That sheriff could get in deep doo doo. Back stops are required for that type of shooting. You cannot let lead fly into private property (or across roadways. I personally would not let that slide. Perhaps filing a police report and mentioning that if the local police are unable to help. perhaps the state police could.

Bingo, the deputy could get into some bit of trouble IF the story we were told is true. A backstop is required to fire your weapon and if one is not used you simply have careless use of a firearm, brandishing a firearm, criminal trespass... Pick something. I've had experience with this exact scenario in our township, we already had State law on the books, didn't need to create yet another law to pile onto yet another law, it does make the liberals feel good though.

I just got a new pond, I made it twice because I aint so bright.