Tilapia do eat Chara and eat significant amounts of it depending on amount of Chara and number of tilapia stocked. Tilapia may eat the FA first then work at consuming Chara. Tilapia cleaned Chara out of a neighbor's pond. Chara in lesser amounts did return to the pond this spring.

I think the second set of pictures is of Chara due to what appears as tiny joints on the stems. These are called branchlets that arise from short cells of nodes with varying degrees of development of primary, secondary and tertieary cell rows with the primary row showing tiny spine cells which in the picture appears as "joints" or 'buds' on the leaves. Note Chara since it is an alga it does not have true leaves but branches and secondary branches (branchlets). From the picture the cell rows of the branchlets also may have tiny egg bearing case called an oogonium.

Last edited by Bill Cody; 06/23/15 09:18 AM.

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