Top could be AMPW or Illinois Pondweed - I'm not totally sure, but it's a beneficial plant in my pond and doesn't serve as a management issue - the GC and crayfish keep it under control - and it's easily fished through. Manual removal is easy enough, and GC do prefer it.

I don't know about the second one, but the leaves look too loose to be coontail - mine was much more compact and leaves were bunched like, well, a coon's tail!

I think GC will hit the Coontail eventually, if that's what it truly is, but I found Aquathol super k an immediate and thorough chemical to treat it. If that is coontail, I'd focus management strategy on it immediately over the pondweed...coontail can become a major issue in a hurry.

Hopefully Kelly will be along soon to identify.

Many men go fishing all of their lives without knowing that it is not fish they are after. ~ Henry David Thoreau

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