You are in a tough spot a lot of us have faced. Me without the property damage. You can go the crazy man route and it will work but you have to be prepared for things to go south and at the end loosing some bass is not life and death.
I would also have a hard time selling out without telling the buyer what he was getting into.
Hunting and fishing is big business. I have a friend that leases my land for $10,000 a year and in the contract if he catches anyone hunting or fishing on his lease I have to give the money back.
Strange thing is I have leased his land for $10,000 a year as it is nice to hunt on some new land. So If I catch a trespasser he just cost me 10 grand and will be taken to court.

I don't have much trouble , 30:06 shot into pond from 200 yards
rabbit hunter hiding in trees wife shot in the air. He ran like he was shot at.
I am older and calmer now. I am lucky last trespasser I cought on camera I called the neighbor knowing it was one of his hands. He is the type that will fire the guy next time.
I wish I could let people hunt and fish like I did as a kid. Just have had bad luck doing it and try and keep it for family.

I would be tempted to sell if I could. I don't have to deal with crackheads like that.
Good luck.