I put GSH(10 lbs) and some larger RES (100) and then used another outfit for the FHM, HSB, RES, and CNBG. (I wanted the RES to get a head start on the BG).

The GSH were mostly larger than the bass fingerlings and I picked those up. I looked the bags over well, and I'd have noticed 50-100 LMB. The RES from there were quite large (4-7").

The FHM (20 lbs) BG (750, 2-3") RES (250, 2-3") from the other outfit are the likely candidates in my mind. Those were delivered, and the size matches more with where the fingerlings are.

I don't think there's any way they drifted in as there are no creeks or ponds above ours in the watershed.

I'd just like to know how many and what the genetics are...