I hate to keep going back to this, but of course I will. Where in Artcile 1 Section 8 of the US Constitution does the federal government have enumerated powers over your pond, any of your property at all? Unless you live on the border of a neighboring state that is with navigable waters running into that state.

This is a State issue and the interstate commerce clause would only apply if you were affecting another States waters. The stretch is to great to use the interstate commerce clause for this, and every other left wing regulation we have, that attempts to make water run up hill.

If not in Article 1 Section 8 then our founders said that it was "left to the States and to the people". If we simply followed this premise, we would have law much more tailored to our individual needs and activities. If a State got out of hand, we'd have the option to move and live in a "more free" State.

This is this simple.

I just got a new pond, I made it twice because I aint so bright.