Hey all, my name is Will. This site seems like a nice, helpful community. Recently I purchased some land in the North Eastern corner of Tennessee with two ponds already established: one year-round spring fed 1/2 acre pond and a seasonally filled 2 acre pond. My obsession is to stock the 2 acre pond with a largemouth bass/ bluegill mix and possibility stock the smaller pond with trout (I think it may be cold enough). There doesn't appear to be anything living in the large pond and I think there are bluegill already in the smaller pond. While the small pond looks perfectly healthy, I'm concerned about the larger pond. There doesn't seem to be any aquatic plants growing, the water level is considerably lower in winter, and the water seems more brown than green. Ponds are brand new to me so hopefully a few of you could lend some advice on how to kick start a happy fish habitat.

Half acre pond

Half acre

Two acre in summer

Two acre in winter

Is water level drop normal???