Originally Posted By: timshufflin
Originally Posted By: sprkplug
I'm thinking there may be a pretty long stretch of road between proposal, acceptance, and implementation.

And at risk of aligning myself with the "other" side, it seems to me we have had very similar conversations here on the forum in the past. I remember stating that I will never use a well to fill my ponds, as that clean drinking water I'm pumping doesn't just belong to me. The aquifer doesn't stop at my property lines.

I also recall it getting pretty quiet when I asked why we shouldn't be held responsible for our fish escaping out overflows and entering public water. If I remember correctly, It even went so far as to be suggested to me that public discussion on this matter might not be in our best interest?


PondBoss is a community of folks who are extremely passionate about their ponds, their land, and their way of life. I get that, and I think I'm of a similar mindset. But how is it okay for us to get up in arms over the possibility of a neighbor doing something to negatively impact our own property, but fall silent over the possibility of something... fish, chemical, whatever, coming out of our own ponds and lakes and affecting someone else down the line?

I think the overwhelming majority of those here are good stewards of the environment, and care enough to take pains to try and treat others as they would like to be treated themselves. But from living where I do, I am also assured that many feel and act otherwise. I don't want someone telling me what I can and can't do with my own ponds, but in my opinion there needs to be an accountability somewhere along the line, for those who are unwilling to govern themselves accordingly.

I think you make pretty good sense here. I will simply state that it is entirely up to the States to make these sorts of laws and NOT the federal government. When such laws are made locally, they are typically better law. The law is typically better tailored to the area being affected. What's more important is that the federal government has absolutely no power to make such laws and is infringing on States rights when it does.

States were meant to be the laboratories of freedom in this nation. If a State got so stupid as to make a bunch of stupid laws, the people could go to a better State. When the federal government gets involved though, we have nowhere to move to.

Now, if Michigan and Indiana are disputing which one gets to suck Lake Michigan dry for some new water project, by all means, get the feds involved.

This has been a well thought out thread as far as personal views go so far....hopefully it stays that way.

I agree, people should be "neighborly" and consider how their /our actions affect others. Sadly, so many now rely on "some law" to enforce nearly every aspect, it gets very invasive, even detrimental. There is a theory that because of all the Federal regulations now, every adult American arguably commits 3 Federal felonies on an average day. Still have an old incandescent bulb in your home, you committed a Federal violation...each day is a "new" violation. Ever run a car a few days without a muffler or other exhaust malfunction, Service engine light on? More EPA violations! Have you used ANY aerosol spray for something not exactly as described in the instructions? You guessed it...says right on the can, "It is a violation of federal Law to use this other than instructed". Drop some oil on the ground after an oil change? Not report it immediately to the EPA? What about an old prescription in your medicine cabinet?? Is it still even legal to possess? Dow you know how to LEGALLY dispose of it?More "crimes"!!! What about that leaking oil pan on a car or mower....yup...EPA makes it all criminal when it touches the ground! Have asphalt shingles on your roof? This new EPA reg can make you replace your roof, and/or fine you $75,000 a day now for leaching petroleum products into the groundwaters.....simply by some field agent driving by and giving you a cease/desist/remediation letter...

Sparky is right about having a "reasonable" expectation to peace and quiet, but maybe not on a neighbor collecting what he may see as trash...if the area is zoned, he has that expectation, if not, each neighbor/landowner has the right to do any legal activity they wish. Most places consider "quiet time" to be between the hours of 9pm and 7am. Am I violating someone's right to quiet if I target practice with my 30.06 at 2pm, no..at 2am...you bet!

To sorta plagiarize a quote from Penn Jillete, When I was an uneducated 12 years old, I could be sitting on my couch at home and know whether or not I was violating any law or regulation...now, a short 42 years later, I am well educated and even though I do research, I often have no idea how MANY laws or regulations I am in violation of at any given moment.

Last edited by Rainman; 05/29/15 05:08 PM.