This Aquamax issue is just so unfortunate.

I met a fish truck this morning at about 7:00 AM, with their schedule showing them to be ready to start filling orders by 7:30 AM. I was at least 15th in line, even though I was 30 minutes early. This truck, and their main competitor, show up alternate weeks at competing farm supply outlets in our area. There are also several who do direct pond stocking.

By the time I placed my order with the fish truck this morning, there were a lot more customers behind me. The truck had run out of fatheads by the time I was placing my order. The people ahead of me got the last of the grass carp. The guy behind me had pre-ordered about $600 worth of fish to stock a new pond. He owns several other ponds. So, by about 8:00 AM, this truck was already very low on stock, with the rest of today and tomorrow before they can restock without affecting their schedule. The driver and his helper looked stressed. My guess is that they would not be able to complete deliveries today and tomorrow due to demand for pond fish.

What this has been leading to is that we have thousands of ponds in my area. Many are in the very wealthiest counties in the US.

We are also a pretty significant agricultural area that uses huge amounts of animal feed.

I don't know what the local market really is, but I sure see a lot of fish feed being sold when I'm in farm supply stores. I use a meager 40-60 lbs., per month - but im just one of very many. I figure I'm just one of a group that extends well into the thousands, of people like me within about a 25 mile radius, who rely on high quality fish feed.

How Purina can still be ignoring us, after several years of people like me wanting their nearly unobtainable Aquamax products, is unbelievable.


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