So after a few days of fishing with live worms, spinners, hard plastics, and powerbait night crawlers I caught nothing. Used Don's advice on the traps and placed them in the deepest part of the pond for days/weeks (checking and reloading every morning/evening) and did not catch one minnow. I think I am going to do the following:

1) Home water quality test again and see where the pond stands
2) Send out a water sample and have it professionally tested
3) Fish with live minnows for one more day to ensure I am clear
4) If everything is good, purchase another round of FHM and proceed with original stocking plan

On a side note, the pond has a beautiful green hue to it with about 12" of visibility. Need to get off my butt and get moving as the Papershell Crayfish and Lake Chubsuckers are coming in June.

Sunil, thanks for the heads up. The reason it scared me so much is b/c people talk about walking across FHM by mid-summer and I have failed to see one. In the end there is nothing I can do about it but make decisions based on the info I have now. Thanks.

Dono, esshup, Bill D., shorty- Thanks for the advice fellas, you guys helped calm me down a bit to look at this objectively which is always better than knee jerk reactions.