Thanks for all the replies and advice. To answer a couple of questions.

We did add 5 loads of Threadfins last spring. They seem to be going great, and the bass seem to like them.

Over the last 4 years our relative weight has gone down about 4-5% based on the shock surveys done. One thing that Greg Grimes guy told us that makes us feel a little better is the first survey was done in the fall, and the next one was done post spawn so he said the drop was not that bad.

We have been adding structure to try to help the bluegill population. We've added close to 400 Christmas trees over the last 4 years.

We only have one feeder, and we use it to keep a lot of bluegill around the dock so the kids can watch the fish, and catch them.

Adding the dock a couple of years ago, and getting the fishermen together for things like sinking the trees, and a couple of tournaments has really gotten the lake Mose usage, and now the HOA is more open to spending money on the lake, but we really spend very little on it for its size. I've been getting about $5000 a year for fish the last couple of years. Prior to that nothing had been spent on management for about ten years.

We do have some large bass in the lake. There are numerous 8-10 lb bass caught each year, and we've seen one that was 28 inches, but the guy did not have a scale.

I think if we added 6-7" cc many of them would be eaten.
