I was light on the bream and minnows. I'm ok waiting till next year on the bass to let numbers build. Would that make more sense then?

I'm doing what I can to deter the geese. I run them off every time I'm there but we haven't started on our house yet so I'm not there every day. I'm keeping the grass really high around to help deter them. I planted native prairie grass on the dam so there isn't much there yet other than seedlings and some tall cover. The ducks are scratching up piles of straw but that's ok since seedlings are coming up and the straw isn't preferred for a prairie planting. I was just concerned with erosion so it put it down with a winter eye cover last fall and oats this spring. The rye didn't come up well so again, concerned about erosion while my natives come up. If it works out it will be nice and worth it but at this point I'm wishing I had just planted grass.....

David Clapper