George, I have been in the oil and Gas business going on 40 yr's. And like you I experienced all of the problems we have had with the Middle East. For those that don't remember, they actually did an embargo against us and gas lines went for blocks trying to get gasoline for the family cars. We geared up here and they then shut us down with dropping oil prices and the North American oil industry collapsed, that was in the mid 1980's. it has taken us 30 years to get back to where we were 6 months ago and Again the Middle East or Opec flooded the market and again has attack our Oil and Gas industry. These are the same people that snubbed the President this week and the same ones who will not stop to get the Bomb and have said they will End America. So when are we going to get off their game and Run our game. I know for a fact, that the majority of Oil and Gas Companies are not greedy and they don't like being put in that category. Like many companies they want to make a profit and supply jobs. Just like alot of here in America.

Maybe I should just talk ponds and fish.


Do not judge me by the politicians in my City, State or Federal Government.
