I am, crap. The synopsis and way forward, it could be a lot worse.

On 3/28 we stocked 1/2 gallon (750-1000) FHM. First few weeks after stocking the FHM, every evening we found several trapped in the erosion blanket. Pond dropped due to no rain and out of the erosion blanket. Temps were still down and we stopped seeing them which I figured was due to the cold. Earlier this week started laying out minnow traps with stale bread b/c temps were starting to come up and was not seeing any activity. Temps this evening were 82F at the surface and 62F at 7' so plenty warm for FHM spawning/activity. Traps are empty after being moved around the pond. Neighbor drove up today and said he is pretty sure he saw a fish jump. Minus the initial minnows dying on the erosion mat we have not seen any minnows floating so I am leaning away from water quality. There are several thousand toad tadpoles which appear to be doing ok another strike against water quality. I have used the pool test kits on the water a few times and had nothing abnormal minus a slightly elevated PH, which is true of all the ponds in our area, so did not send off for further analysis.

Test Results from 4/21/2015
PH= 8.5
Alkalinity= 180PPM
Secchi= 18" (Today it is ~4 to 5 feet)

Plan of Attack
1) Fish it tomorrow and see what is there. I am sure they went through the FHM quick and are now starving as there is nothing else in the pond. I have 3 kids that can fish with worm/bobber and my wife and I will run spinners/hard plastics. Will buying more FHM for bait (on the hook) be a more effective means of catching?

2) Track down the stupid SOB that bucket stocked the pond and find out when, species, number, etc. I have been quite vocal to neighbors and friends about not jacking up my plan when they bring up adding fish. Time to hit anyone I missed. I don't know that I would be mad if they came clean as it would make the plan a lot easier. Who am I kidding, I will probably slap the s*** out of them.

3) Keep the fishing pressure high, super high, for the next week. I do not work, well I stay at home with the kids, so all day everyday. As many poles in the water as possible as much as possible.

4) After that week add FHM and see what happens. If FHM become prolific then continue with stocking plan. If they are annihilated, drain in the fall, lime it, and wait for the refill next spring.

Am I paranoid about bucket stocking, which I am, and overreacting? Do I need to be more patient? I know a lot of people will say drain it now but either way I think I am too late into the year to expect a refill so stocking will not commence until next spring anyway. Thoughts on if this might work or am I a friggin idiot? Thanks in advance.

On a side note, I am going to write my congressman and senators, as I encourage you to do the same, to request they create a federal law against this which includes hefty fines and 10 years of imprisonment. They have federal laws for Canadian geese, why not against bucket stocking?