Originally Posted By: snrub
Good post fish n chips.

I would add that in any scenario where survival and/or relative comfortable living compared to not being prepared and living poorly is concerned, the three main issues are diversity, diversity, diversity. Not having ones eggs all in one basket, so to speak. Have many multiple ways of providing for ones self and family. With a pond and fish in the pond being one small portion of a much larger and more diversified plan. If a person is depending 90% on a pond to provide sustenance, that is an entirely different scenario than if it is 5% of "the plan".

I would guess in Griff's case, maybe the pond portion of "the plan" is more of the 5-10% of the prepping plan rather than it being the major portion of sustenance in the event it is needed because more normal channels have been made inoperable.

Would that be a safe assumption Griff?

Yes 5 - 10% is a fair number I think. I dug the pond more for the sheep to have a water source and it of course made sense to throw some fish in their since it's there. My main focus is gardening.

I'm not really anything like the preppers you might see on TV. I hoard nothing. I am very interested in natural living and just being able to provide for myself and my family without too much help from others. That's always been my mentality which is why I've never had a boss.

But my education is in economics so I know there will be a major change at some point and I hope it's not in my lifetime but if it is in my lifetime I don't want to see me or my family in a soup line.