Hey AR, I too have a 1 acre pond. Fortunatley I did not have any crappie in mine! Or catfish!

I agree with Bill D. I would get them big ole blues out of there. They get hook shy and will eat up some big BG!

HSB wont keep your BG at bay! They may eat some yes but, if your goal is Large BG then you need 10 to 14 inch LMB they will keep the BG at bay and the ones that make it past the LMB will get large and in charge!! Here is one of many I now have after 4 years. This one is an exceptional one, but I have quite a few now in the 8 to 9.5 inch size. Here is what I have in my pond.

CNBG, RES, LMB, HSB(20) a few HBG from some GSF I had. I now also have bass anywhere from 10 inches to 18 inches. They been growing eating all them BG!

Most would tell you cause you really have no idea what you have to drain pond kill it off and start all over, but if that's not an option for you then enjoy fishing it. Keep them Blue Cats and see if you have any bass? Fish with a few of those smaller BG with a bobber and see what you catch, but if you do hold on cause it could be a biggen!! smile


Attached Images
11 inch BG.jpg

The only difference between a rut and a Grave is the depth. So get up get out of that rut and get moving!! Time to work!!