Guys this is my first post here as I just found this forum. I have so many questions to ask, I thought I would lump them all in here together. I have always wanted a pond, but now I think the opportunity might work out as a construction company is willing to build me a pond in exchange for the dirt they are needing for a road project close to my house.

What all should I be thinking about from the beginning to make this done right. Obviously they are meeting all requirements and inspections. But is there anything I should do from the onset that you guys wish you would have done if you could have done it over. The spot it will be put will not have electric right now. I hope to run electric there someday. I didn't know if I should do something with an aerator even though I won't have electric for probably another couple of years.

The pond will be about 2 acres. I have looked at dock designs and will ask about that when I am ready to build it. I am wanting this to be a swimming and fishing pond. I have read you shouldn't stock blue gill if you are wanting a swimming pond as they will nibble at you. I would rather have a fishing pond only, but I have two young kids. Once they are older I will then make it fishing only. I thought about putting bass and sunfish in it once it is completed. I have read about putting different kind of small minnows in first for a while before adding game fish. Any ideas or suggestions on this is appreciated.

Anything anyone else can add is appreciated. Like I said this happened pretty quickly so I am trying to get things figured out ahead of time.

Thanks from Ohio.