Every time we've had a PB conference I've talked to the good intentioned Purina representatives. I've talked to many of the regularly rotated and enthusiastic regional reps a number of times. When I call back a month or two later, they've been replaced by a new enthusiastic rep without any power. Most have never even heard of us (Pond Boss).

I eventually give them my ever-so-impressive elected title, that I hold only because nobody else wants it. They again get enthused, but there is no follow-thru. I've posted my disappointments here many times.

It is like one of the lines from a Tom T. Hall song:

. Well, I told him who I was and told him I was working steady.
And I really should be gettin' on my way.
That part about me bein' who I was did not impress him
He said, "The judge'll be here any day."

If we were to get a group together, could we convince them to sell us the rights to manufacture and market the Aquamax products?

It may be the only way I can get any.

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