Eric, you need to calm down and re-read my last post. I didn't call you ignorant. If I ever do, you will have no doubt. I will say it like this: "Eric, you are ignorant about so-and-so".

The word "Ignorance" is a much misunderstood term. It is not really even a derigatory term. It simply means "unknowing". Unless you have a badly inflated ego, not knowing something is no disgrace at all.

In my life, I have seen a lot of acts committed out of ignorance. Of perhaps 100 snakes I have seen killed (many by me!), perhaps only 1 or 2 were killed for a purpose. The rest were killed for no good reason other than "It's a snake. What do you do with snakes except kill them?"

I have great faith in human intelligence and judgment, when it's exercised. Go ahead, Eric and the rest of you. Kill all the snakes you want to kill. Just be sure you think a minute, and have a rational reason to do so. As long as you think it through and don't do an irrational knee-jerk extermination, I trust you will be confident you are doing the right thing.