
I understand the extra worry when kids are around. It doesn't make you very at ease when you send the grandchildren out to play and you're worried about snakes.

However, you can't guarantee that you've cleared your entire land of all snakes. Therefore, I find it more beneficial to teach caution and tolerance with most snakes. Give the kids some knowledge about these creatures and they'll learn to stir clear of them. After all, tolerance is a good lesson for any kid!

When I was a kid, I was often in areas where snakes were living. I never once got bitten. I think with a few lessons about safety, adults, kids AND snakes can co-exist with harm to anyone.

It's true some people will never feel this way. They'd prefer to destroy something they don't understand and have been taught to fear. That's unfortunate!

0.6 acre pond / 13' max depth / Bonham, TX