I also put 100 in my 1 acre pond 5 years ago! I consider them a bonus fish! It's funny how hard they can be to catch. Like TJ said I seem to catch more of mine in the spawn time. I know I still have them cause last year I caught about 8 or 9 four to five inchers. And one was about 8 inches. Funny thing is I caught some 2 years ago that were already pushing 8 inches so I should have some monsters in there I just cant find them! They are a loner fish man!! They are doing the job they need to do though. I have not had any snails or black pepper spots on any of my fish or anything! So they may hate me but I cant get mad at them! smile

Last edited by RC51; 03/13/15 09:02 AM.

The only difference between a rut and a Grave is the depth. So get up get out of that rut and get moving!! Time to work!!