That would be awesome! I am game to give it a try! Let me know if you get as far north as Bloomington and I'll drive down to meet you if you think they will survive my 2 hour trip home. Might even buy you a greasy burger if we can find a suitable greasy spoon diner or truck stop! smile My puddle is not big as you know, but I would love to have your minimum of RES, HBCP and GSH to add to my mixed up pot! Shoot me a PM when your plans firm up.

It's quotes like this from Bob Lusk that really makes me curious! Yet, I see others saying RES can take it.

"Redear sunfish, also called "shellcracker" in the southeastern states, or "chinquapin perch" in Louisiana, and heavily utilized in southern and southwestern states, and up into warmer regions along the eastern seaboard and Midwest. Redear eat macroinverte-brates, especially snails. They live in a different niche than their bluegill cousins. Single spawners each year, redear are an "insurance" policy as a forage. Like bluegill, redear have tiny mouths, limiting their ability to compete with game fish. Plus, where redear grow, they thrive, some as large as 14 inches, pushing a pound and a half. They don't like cold water, or ice."

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Be Brave Enough to Suck at Something New!