You think this epa bill keeps coming up, LMarseOFF! The batfe continues to threaten businesses, that depend on the 2nd Amendment, with their very business lives every year! We now have this bogus agency, illegal under Article I Section VIII, trying to outlaw some common 5.56 ammunition. They are doing this based on the premise that there are now pistols that can use this ammunition thus making all green tip ammo illegal. If this completely idiotic thinking can be used, you can create a pistol for any FMJ round and make it illegal across the market for any rifle.

-I have a pond, I'm willing to fight for private property owners.
-I have a gun business and am willing to fight for 2nd Amendment rights.
-I have no farm animals and have been fighting for farm use rights in our township for 6 months. We won! We can now have farm animals on 1 acre of agriculturally zoned land.
-I have no business sign but am fighting for businesses that do and depend on them.
-I have no commercial vehicle and am fighting for businesses that are being harassed by the MDOT.

My point is, I fight against every single trespass on private property ownership. If my neighbors can't expect me to fight for them when their ox is being gored then I can't expect them to fight for me when mine is. This mentality, I've found, is rare but not in my neighborhood.

We have a generation of people, no a basic human belief that we need to be regulated. We should NEVER regulate unless someone is trespassing against someone else and still never if the regulation is against our Constitution. This thinking is now dead in this country, at least in any meaningful numbers of people that will matter.

What to do? I'm become extremely vocal in my beliefs, not caring about the fragile sensibilities of the infringers. I fight local, I fight very hard. Get involved in your local government, you cannot believe how some of these savages crap all over your basic human freedoms. Tell them they are savages, insult them, shame them, fire them! We are doing just that in my Township. We are winning and will win more come the 2016 elections.

When this type of attitude starts local, it spreads global. We all need to know that there are more people like us out there who love freedom. Believe me, I was amazed, there are! Write your politicians, talk in the bars, talk in the restaurants, don't hire those that believe in infringing and don't patronize businesses that believe in it either.

First they ignore you,
then they laugh at you,
then they fight you,
then you win.

Right now our township is in phase three, they are fighting us. They did plenty of ignoring and laughing when we started though smile

I just got a new pond, I made it twice because I aint so bright.