Brings back old memories!! My partner Randy Burch and I caught what was the lake record at the time a 13.76 largemouth bass on Lake Sam Rayburn. I remember him catching it on his birthday February 2,nd. Can't remember exactly what year. The fish was caught on a black and blue jig in 16 ft. water in the San Augustine park area. We did not have a net and I just lipped it but took both hands to drag it in the boat! Lone Star Lunkers picked her up and released her back to us later. We carried her back to the exact spot we caught her and released her.It was a real big deal back then. The old record was many years old. But Big Sam was about to explode!! We held the record for only about 6 months and a 14 pounder was weighed in.Many more lunkers after that.We visited her at the hatchery once. Great program and glad to have been a part of it.

Dear Alcohol, We had a deal where you would make me funnier, smarter, and a better dancer... I saw the video... We need to talk.