Tracy beat me to it. Thermal shock is the big danger. I'd add that given just how cold the water is and the dangers of rapid cooling in cold water conditions, I would advise you to try to go slow. Maybe wrap part of fish bags in old towels to keep it from cooling too quickly. Remember that the air and land are even colder than the water, so some insulation might be smart.

Last edited by anthropic; 02/25/15 02:32 PM.

7ac 2015 CNBG RES FHM 2016 TP FLMB 2017 NLMB GSH L 2018 TP & 70 HSB PK 2019 TP RBT 2020 TFS TP 25 HSB 250 F1,L,RBT -206 2021 TFS TP GSH L,-312 2022 GSH TP CR TFS RBT -234, 2023 BG TP TFS NLMB, -160