Originally Posted By: Bill Cody
Definitely more research is needed about individual species of fish growth rates with ample food in water below 50F down to 39F.

I could provide that in relation to various kinds of trout. But it is also commonly available in the public domain.

On an extreme, a few years ago we achieved a 0.7 conversion rates with rainbow trout at 53 degrees F. That is, every 0.7 pounds of high-protien/high-fat sinking pellets produced 1 pound of flesh on a sample of approximately 25,000 fish in 53 degree F raceways.

That probably ain't gonna happen with any warm water fish, nor with most feed available to the average pond owner. Our food was super de-hydrated. I don't remember the protien/fat content, but I believe it was about 44/15, and used a lot of fishmeal.

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