Maybe it is good we have some of these dust-ups now and then. It lets us know that this is one of the few forums that is dedicated to friendly and civil, plus providing a lot of good scientific and imperical information.

Anyway, we just got home from the trip, via Edmond, OK. We got 4-5 inches of snow there yesterday.

However, I did want to add a little bit about winter feeding. Most years it would be very difficult for me to do any feeding from Thanksgiving to about Easter. My fish would need their own upward drilling auger, and skates or snowshoes to get to the food.

I got a bunch of HSB at the end of November and had to break holes in the ice on both fishing ponds with my tractor/front-end loader. It has been so cold here this season that the state Dept of Natural Resources has not been able to do very much trout stocking, which normally happens bi-weekly from mid-December to the end of April.

I've never tagged my fish, but I think I'm going to buy a tagging set from our friend Greg G., this season. For years I've felt that my fish, especially the bluegill and channel cats, grow under the ice in the 33 to 39 degree F water.

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