Originally Posted By: teehjaeh57

I should bring my camera and have someone show me all the functions I can't figure out. Right now I keep it on auto mode in highest resolution...that was a hard won battle in itself.

Thanks for the tutorial - this is pretty dumbed down and accessible even for me. I now understand a lot more about options available to me.

Sure. You can grab some good snaps by letting the camera do all the work. But if you delve into the settings and just shoot, shoot, shoot, really you will probably pick up how to control the camera and tell it what you want it to do based on the shot you want. And remember, if you shoot in RAW you can always then use a software application to essentially make the shot you wanted.

Here is an example where I shot "wide open", such that the focus was the hawk and the background was soft. I wanted the face of the hawk crisp, and you can see even the tail is somewhat soft.

Here is another example of setting the f-stop small number so large light comes through and the focus is much narrower, this time on the owl's eye.

This example shows a larger f-stop value, so a smaller opening for the light to enter the lens, because I wanted all of the landscape to be in focus.

Look at these last two examples and see what you think - are the f-stop values small or large?