Bill, apprx how many offspring will a mature 6" yp have in the spring in a lake filled with sticks and debris for spawning on? I have a hunch that a 6" walleye would be able to outcompete a 6" perch for available yoy... Also the young walleye will feast on all kinds of other insects and critters that would be loaded in that lake as well.

I wouldn't overthink this by raising fish in tanks, etc. I'd check the depths and stock the fish in the lake and get ready for some awesome walleye fishing. Being the only predator in the lake id have no problem with stocking up to 25 per acre initially and then every 2-3 years supplementing with additional walleye... The supplemental stockings won't have quite as good of survival rates since there will be bigger predators in the lake by then.

I've stocked walleye only lakes at rates of 50-100 walleye per acre with great success as well, but haven't had quite the same scenario with a perch only forage base... Shiners, green sunfish and gizzard shad mainly... In theory though id love to get my hands on an 80 acre lake chuck full of zillions of stunted perch!!!