I don't know if you're an experienced farmer, but if not, don't locate your growing station near a window. That is a mistake made by many newbies. They put their seeds next to a window. Often drafty, but always the light is not straight down but at an angle, the temperature varies depending upon the weather, and the light varies.

Ideally you want to control the amount of light, the direction of the light, and the time duration of the light. So invest in a grow light or lights, be it the one I linked or similar, so that you can control the light. Your seeds that germinate will thank you for it. If you're unable to turn on and off the light same times then a timer is your friend.

Also, when (if) you're ready to transplant your bounty outdoors you will ideally want to move the bounty out and in a little at a time, to adjust for temperature, humidity, and the sun light. You've nursed them in a controlled environment and some folks just throw them outside. It works, but you will likely find greater success if you make the move in increments.