Originally Posted By: Pat Williamson
Feed stores sell by the pound. Bermuda seeds are tiny so a lb goes a long way. Around me it's 8$ lb so it gets costly. You might mix it in with rye to start it cause the rye comes up faster than Bermuda. If we had two weeks of warm you could put out the rye to get a little erosion help till the Bermuda gets going. I'd put Bermuda out in March


Very good advice. If you have existing plants of any kind, and nature permits, I might burn the dam in late Spring. Bermuda is by far the best option for grass down here, but it doesn't like shade or competition. Existing weeds do both. Burning also adds pot ash to the soil, and Bermuda really likes that.

Not sure what part of the state you're in, but Bermuda germinates when the soil hits the low 70's, so rye is a good idea. It'll sure germinate both quicker, and earlier, than the Bermuda.

I also add course ground corn meal to the seed mix to get a better idea of where I've thrown seed.