Hey Everyone just thought I would give a quick update on my son. This last weekend he graduated from Army Basic Training in Fort Sill, OK. Wow it just seems like he went. We got to hang out with him for a while on Thursday and then Friday after graduation ceremonies. I am both very proud of him and of course somewhat scared at the same time knowing my son is NOT under my control anymore.... He is now in M.O. at Fort Leonard Wood for his AIT school. He said it's not much better there then at basic. LOL! But a little better he said so he'll take it! Here he is in this pic with his "Battle Buddy" from basic training. Noah is on the right. His buddy David and him became real good friends and plan to stay in touch. David is from Tyler Texas and had a hard time passing the running part of the PT testing but as battle buddies do Noah pushed him and finally got him under the right time he needed. They are both very HAPPY to be leaving Fort Sill!!! smile

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The only difference between a rut and a Grave is the depth. So get up get out of that rut and get moving!! Time to work!!