Guys, i am driven crazy by my Elm seeds. 20 days since they sprouted and the tallest of them is shorter than 2 inches. My Bur sprout, which came out only 7 days ago is almost taller than my Elm sprouts.

I don't know what kind of a growth i must be expect from these seeds too. I started keeping records of them, to see how they react to different variables. I got a handful of rabbit manure from a petshop but dunno if it is too early to use them.

And should i make a compost out of this manure or just use it?

I lost couple of my Elm sprouts, because which i guess was damping off disease. They fell down suddenly, without almost any signs. They were very green too. I use Aquarium water to water them and 15 W floruscent bulb to light them up(15 W for every 2 pots). Seems quite ample...

Last edited by Fatih; 01/15/15 05:00 PM.