Originally Posted By: stickem'
Not trying to side track this thread, but my pond has a soft clay bottom. Would it add value to the pond to dump some 5 gal. buckets of pea gravel in the shallow end for the CNBG to build nests, or do you think the fish can find something else in the pond to build their nests? I thought I read that they like to build their nests (depressions) in gravelly areas...

One suggestion in one of the older threads concerning your pea gravel, was to put it in some sort of container so it does not just sink into the mud and disappear. A strip of underlayment fabric, a kiddie pool, plastic storage container, etc.

I used a tractor loader and dumped fairly big piles in my pond before it filled. But if I wanted to add some now and more limited amounts, the gravel would go a lot further and stay in place by putting it in a plastic container. If you had a five gallon square or round plastic storage container and filled it 3/4 with gravel, it would keep it in place and up above the muck and mire. Easy to set in place also.

My opinion.


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