
I know that the Garmin and Magellan GPS units can't find my house, and the Magellan GPS unit that I just bought and downloaded the updated maps for couldn't find a business that was on a road built 4 years ago.

When Rex came here, his Tom Tom found the place. BUT, after posting what I did, and reading a lot more reviews, now I'm not sure.

I just don't know now.

Some things I want in it:
Lifetime maps and lifetime whatever upgrades are needed, having the traffic feature is nice but not mandatory.

Have maps that are newer than 4-5 years old.

Be accurate. Both those untits listed show my place as about a mile in the wrong direction. If my place is wrong, how many others are???

Fast response time instead of telling me that I need to be in the left lane to exit the freeway to go to the right when I'm a 1/4 mile before the exit and I'm in the right lane expecting to exit right while going 65 mph. (Sheesh, you understand that?)

Anti glare or at least a matt screen. NOT smooth shiny glass that shows every reflection.

A legible voice for instructions.

Able to input ALL cities or roads manually. The Magellan that I have has a "smart virtual keyboard" that that only allows you to select letters that it thinks are next in a street name or city. Only work around is if you know the zip code. The voice feature on the newer ones sounds nice, but if it can't recognize what you are saying over the road noise, then what't the point? (like my voice to text on the smartphone)

A screen size so I can actually read what's on the screen. and no, I don't think I'm to the point of needing glasses (yet). At least that's what the DMV said when I renewed my license late last year!! wink
3/4 to 1 1/4 ac pond LMB, SMB, PS, BG, RES, CC, YP, Bardello BG, (RBT & Blue Tilapia - seasonal).